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In IELTS Academic writing task 1, you write a report in minimum 150 words. Pie chart is one of questions that can be asked in IELTS writing task 1.饼形图与柱形图/表格等形式最大的区别,就是它里面没有了横轴与纵轴,而是以饼形的分割来表示比例~In order to score Band 7 or above, it becomes extremely important to examine the question well and find out key features that can be written. Let us see how to describe a pie chart.
Step 1:仔细读题筛选有用信息 Read the Question Properly to Select Information
最重要的是读题,观察一共有几张饼图,以及它们之间的关系是什么~One of the foremost things to consider in mind before writing about the pie chart is to read the question carefully.还要观察每张饼图中有哪几个区域,每个区域分别代表了什么~In the IELTS writing task 1 question itself, you can find basic information which you can select in order to firstly understand the question and then write introduction.不要忘了饼图的题目,和旁边的标注~To select the information, you should go through the question statement, heading of pie chart diagram,labels of pie chart sections and any other text written at the bottom or anywhere.
Step 2:写引入段 Start Writing Introduction
开头引入段的关键,在于运用同义转换的技巧~Once you are done with understanding the pie-chart question and now that you know what the question is about, you can start writing introduction by using paraphrasing skills.将题干、饼形图标题中的信息进行同义改写,总结成引入段~You can make use of words or phrases written on the diagram heading or labels in order to better describe what the pie chart is about.
Step 3:分析图表 Analyse the Pie Chart Carefully
As said earlier, it is really important to mention the key features of pie chart diagram in IELTS writing task 1.饼图中的最大值,最小值以及一些特殊值非常重要~You can come to know the important features only when you have understood the diagram well. In the pie chart, make sure to find out the highest and lowest percentage sections. Apart from this, do note the second highest proportionas well.饼图中有些信息需要对比~You also need to compare and contrast in the pie chart diagram.如果有多张饼形图,还要提及它们之间相似和不同的部分~For this, if there are two or more than two pie charts, notice the similarities and differences in the percentage sections.如果涉及到不同时间点,要对数据的“趋势”进行概括~Notifying the trend would be good to see whether the percentage has been increasing or decreasing.
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