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Describe a short trip you often take but don’t like
You should say:
Where you go
When you go there
Why you go there
And explain why you don’t like the trip
Activity 维度拆分:
5w2h (when/where/who/what/why/how much/ how often)
organizer/ history/ popularity/ cost/ origin/ regulations/ requirement/ duration/ equipment/ benefits etc.
Where you go
Step one:绝对位置 (位于东南西北中具体哪个方位)
Step two: 相对位置 (距离你家或者某一个地标建筑的远近)
Step three: 怎么过去(交通+路上花费时间)
Example one:
I always have to do a short trip to a small town which is in the east of Jiaxin. It is not really far from my city and only takes about an hour to get there by car. In fact, the town is a bit old and shabby 破旧的.
Because of this, more and more people have moved out of the town and have settled in big cities, with the exception of old people, like my grandparents.
Example two:
I go to a temple in my city every week. It is called Linyin temple, in the west of my city, not far from my new home, just a 30-min drive away.
The temple enjoys a long history and it is packed out 拥挤 during the weekends and holidays. People like to go there to pray for good luck 祈祷好运.
Example three:
I always go to my uncle’s home. He used to live in a remote area but last year he settled in my district. His home is just several blocks away from me and only takes about 20 mins for me to get there on foot.
Actually, it was built about 40 years ago, but as it is close to amenities 便利设施, life there is very convenient.
When you go there
一般而言,看到此文我们都会直截了当的给出答案,比如:每周去一次或者只要有空就去。这样的回答并不是说不可以,但从part 2的时间要求来看,过于简单的回答就无法帮你消耗更多的时间。
Example :
Actually most of the time, I visit my uncle’s home after dinner. My mum and I take a walk and then drop in to say hello 顺便拜访. Sometimes, I go there during special festivals, like the spring festival and mid-autumn festival.
As they are important days for Chinese families, we have a big family feast 家庭盛宴 together with our other relatives.
Example :
In fact, in the past, we never got the chance to go because we were always so busy with work and study but nowadays we have been going back every month, sometimes once or twice during the month.
按 “How you know (about)”的结构进行拓展
“How you know (about)”问题的答题结构为:【认知过程-目前结果】。那么“when you go there”这类需要给出固定时间点或者频率的回答也可以按此结构进行作答,毕竟没有第一次不会产生频率。
Example :
I clearly remember the first time I visited the temple was about 2 years ago. My mum took me there one early morning. It was such a tiring journey and I didn’t feel very good.
However, after that day, my mum forced me to go there with her every week. Against my will, now I visit the temple every Sunday morning without fail 绝无例外.
Why you go there
Example one:
The reason why I visit my grandparents’ town is to keep them company 陪伴某人 so they don't feel alone. In the past, when there were still lots of people living in the town, my grandparents didn’t feel lonely and they always had various kinds of activities to entertain themselves. But now everything has changed.
Most of their old friends have passed away and there aren’t many kids playing around so they feel depressed and bored. My parents and I go to visit them to cheer them up and give them something to do.
Example two:
Actually, I don't really like visiting my uncle’s home, but my mum always asks me to go there with her. I didn't understand at first why she wanted me to go but she told me that she feels a bit scared walking alone at night.
I was quite surprised as we live in a good area but I am happy to go with her and make her feel safe.
Why you don’t like the trip
When 时间点
Example :
Even though I enjoy the beautiful scenery in the temple, I don’t like doing the trip as we have to set off in the early morning. I don’t really understand why my mum always asks me to get up at the crack of dawn 早起. As a night owl 夜猫子, it is a nightmare for me. I try to go to sleep early but I can never manage it.
Because of this, I feel really sleepy on the way. And to make things worse, when we arrive at the temple, we have to climb so many stairs. I don’t think anyone would like to do this trip regularly.
Where 地点
Example :
I love visiting my grandparents, but I don’t like that they live in such a small town. There are no leisure facilities and the internet is not stable or reliable.
Every time I go there, I always feel bored. I can’t go shopping or play any video games on my phone, so most of the time, I just lay on the bed or watch my grandpa gardening. It is like watching paint dry 十分无聊.
Regulations 规定
Example :
Even though my mum thinks going to the temple will bring me good luck, I still don’t like to visit it, because every time I go to the temple, I can only eat vegetables for the whole day.
The rule isn’t made by the temple but my mum. She thinks it shows my commitment 承诺 to the Buddhas which makes no sense to me. As a meat lover, can you imagine how hard the day is? That’s why I am always reluctant to 不情愿的 go there.
Who 人
Example :
I don’t like visiting my uncle’s home just because I don’t really like my aunty, a very mean 刻薄的 middle-aged woman. Her family is a bit wealthier than us, so she looks down on us all the time.
At the same time, she likes to show off the recently purchased luxury goods or all the expensive skincare products she is using. I feel really uncomfortable around her and try and keep the visits to a minimum.
Where you go
I go to a temple in my city every week. It is called Linyin temple, in the west of my city, not far from my new home, just a 30-min drive away. The temple enjoys a long history and it is packed out during the weekends and holidays. People like to go there to pray for good luck.
When you go there
I clearly remember the first time I visited the temple was about 2 years ago. My mum took me there one early morning. It was such a tiring journey and I didn’t feel very good. However, after that day, my mum has forced me to go there with her every week. Now I visit the temple every Sunday without fail.
Why you go there
Actually, my mum tells me to go there because she believes preying to the Buddhas will bring me good fortune in my studies. She says that many people come to do it and it has helped. For me, I think it is a bit superstitious.
And explain why you don't like that trip
There are several reasons why I don’t like the trip. The main reason is that we have to set off at the crack of dawn. As a night owl, it is a nightmare for me. I try to go to sleep early but I can never manage it. Because of this, I feel really sleepy on the way. And to make things worse, when we arrive at the temple, we have to climb so many stairs. I don’t think anyone would like to do this trip regularly.
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