近期发布 编辑:环球教育 浏览:(543次)
1. Do you prefer watching entertaining films or serious films?
2. When on a trip, some people like to keep a journal and take pictures; some people just enjoy the journey without recording. Which do you prefer and why?
3. Which do you prefer: a job with high pay but fewer vacations, even no weekends, or a job with normal vacations but lower pay?
4. Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own.
Which one do you think is better?
5. Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force their kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to give up.
7. Which one do you prefer? To spend money buying or owning things like clothes, computers, or to spend it on experiences like vacations or concerts.
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Close friends should be honest and open.
9. When discussing mistakes in the assignment with the professor, which one do you prefer: face to face or in written form?
10. Do you think children should watch TV or listen to the news on radio or not at an early age?
11. Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester.
Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not.
12. Some people think with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary.
Which one do you agree? and please give specific details to support your opinion.
13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best decision is made by groups instead of by individuals.
14. Do you agree or disagree that the government should pass a law to fine people who use mobile phones when crossing the street?
15. A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why?
16. There is an empty land. Should it be used to construct a building to offer more job opportunities to people, or be used to build a playground for the kids?
17. Some people prefer to go shopping in a big supermarket. Some people prefer to go shopping in a specialty store. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
18. Some people believe that students should choose what courses to study. Others believe that the professor should make the decision for the students. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
19. Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who do you think should receive the scholarship: students with academic performance or students who need financial aids?
20. Some people prefer to collect old things. Other people prefer to throw them away when they are done using them. Which do you prefer? Why?
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