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Type 类型/ Position 职位/ Role 工作职责/ Salary 工资情况/ Number of Jobs 工作数量/ Working hours 工作时间/ Benefits 福利/ Status 地位/ Qualification 资历/Popularity 受欢迎程度/ Colleagues 同事/ Employer 雇主/ Customers 顾客/ Work Requirements 工作要求
History 历史/ Work place 工作地点/ Work experience 工作经验/ Prospects 前景/ Company 公司/ How long you have worked 工作多久/ How you know about it 怎么知道这份工作的
Describe an interesting job that you would like to have in the future
You should say:
What it is
How you know about the job
What people do in the job
And explain why you think it is interesting
回顾历年的高频回答,酒店试睡员、小龙虾品尝员、大堡礁守护者等都成为学生的不二选择。虽然这些职业完全符合这道题目,但是它们会让很多人误以为只有这种听起来有趣的职业才叫“Interesting job”。实则不然,任何一份工作都可以有自己的有趣之趣。最关键的是,不同人对同一份工作的认知是不同的,所以你不用刻意去迎合别人的想法,你要做的只是明确你觉得它有趣的点即可。为了让大家走出思考的困境,我们从最后一问开始解题。
Why you think it is interesting
Working hours 工作时间
Example:Streamer 主播I think being a streamer is interesting as you choose your own hours. Unlike most jobs which have fixed working hours, it is really flexible. You can decide when you start and when you finish. That means you can get up at lunch time and start your work at midnight if you want to.
You can decide to work for one hour or ten hours. It’s up to you. What is really handy 方便的 is that you can work your schedule around other things in your life. The freedom this job provides would really suit me.
Work places 工作地点
Example:Online tutor 在线教师
I think being an online tutor is an interesting job as it is very flexible and you can work remotely. Unlike most jobs which ask you to commute everyday and work from an office, it is a home-based job. As long as you have quiet surroundings, you can work from anywhere. This flexibility allows you to spend more time with your family or to do things you enjoy. You can also work from any country, as long as you have a good internet connection.
Customer 顾客
Example one:Kindergarten Teacher 幼师
Even though many people dislike working with children, I think being a kindergarten teacher would be amazing. Working with children can be fun and enjoyable.
They see the world through different eyes. They are so innocent and say things as they see them. Working with children is far more rewarding than working with adults.
Example two:Journalist 记者
I think being a journalist would be a fascinating job, as you get to meet people from all walks of life 各行各业. You get to travel around the world breaking news stories as they happen and sharing them with the world. You also get to meet iconic people such as celebrities and world leaders.
Role 角色
a. 个人阅历提升,感受人间百态
投资人是我自身非常感兴趣的领域。它可以让你接触各个行业, 感受前沿科技,满足你对世界的好奇;它也可以让有潜力的公司得到更快的发展。
I think being an investor is an interesting job. Even though it is full of risks, you get to experience new products and ideas before they have been launched and you get to try cutting edge technology 前沿科技 before others. You don’t need to be an expert in a specific field as you learn about it as you go along.
Also, being an investor means you can help promising companies develop, especially start-up companies 创业公司. For them, a good investor is key to starting off on the right foot.
Being an actor is an interesting career, because not only do you get to perform, you get to take on a whole new persona 人物角色. My friend who is an actor, he works very hard. Once he told me that even though it is very challenging bringing a character to life, it is very exciting to push boundaries 突破极限 in different roles.
In his first film, he portrayed a repairman who was moody 情绪不定的 and aggressive. It was completely the opposite of his real personality, as he is an introverted person who tends to keep himself to himself 喜欢一个人呆着. In his latest film, he was cast as a homosexual. He said it was a very interesting and eye-opening experience.
b. 改变他人人生,美好他人生活
Example one:
I think being a fitness coach is an interesting job. Even though the older generation don’t recognize it as a proper job, I think it is very important. You can help change a person’s lifestyle and help them become healthier. I have a friend who is a fitness coach and he told me that he gets a great sense of achievement working with and training different people. He said watching the transformation is incredible. It is not only their body shape they change, it is their whole attitude towards life.
Example two:
I think being a dietitian could be an interesting job, because you get to help people maintain a healthier lifestyle. It would be fascinating to learn more about nutrition and how different foods affect our body.
There are so many types of food which people are allergic to, so it would feel great being able to help. My aunt found out she was allergic to dairy products, so she changed her diet. She said it was the best thing she could have done as it has made such a difference to her overall wellbeing.
Example three:
I think being a make-up artist would be very interesting, because your job is to make people look beautiful. My best friend is a newly-qualified make-up artist and works for a famous studio. Everyday he helps over 30 people with their makeup.
They always leave feeling happy and confident. He also gets to work some pretty impressive shoots where the makeup is like a piece of art. It takes him hours to get the look but he said it is worth it every time.
I think being an occupational therapist could be interesting. There is no denying that it’s a tough job, but it also brings enormous 巨大的 self-fulfillment, as it can help people to improve their quality of life. With the help of therapists, people can get better after an illness or injury.
They can also help people with disabilities to become more independent. I think watching the progress of patients would be rewarding and would make up for all the hard work.
c. 挑战自我,让梦想变成现实
I think being a product manager could be an interesting job, as it allows you to turn your ideas into reality. For example, my friend is a product manager 产品经理 working for a big international company. He had an idea to get everybody moving and change their sedentary lifestyle.
He created “WeRun” 微信运动, an add-on 附加组件 program for WeChat. It was a huge hit 成功的事/物 and changed many people’s lives. Nowadays people use it all over the country to monitor how many steps they take everyday. Can you imagine everyone in the country using an app you have designed?
I think being a software developer would be challenging but equally as interesting. As I like pushing boundaries and challenging myself, this would be a great job for me. I like the idea of working on the project from start to finish and learning about different technology throughout the process.
My cousin is a software developer working for Alibaba. He told me it is the best job in the world which allows him to create new software. In the past few years, he has participated in many projects, including Taobao, Alipay which have all been successful.
Work Requirements 工作需求
a. 参加各种社交活动
I think being a PR officer would be an interesting job, as you get the chance to take part in various kinds of activities and events. Unlike other jobs where you sit in front of a screen all day, it allows you to visit different locations.
You get to attend interesting conferences and meet lots of influential people. On one hand, I think being a PR officer could be stressful. But on the other hand, I think it would be glamorous and entertaining.
b. 经常性出差
Even though I think being a salesperson would be draining 累的 and tiring, I also think it would be a very interesting job. You get to travel all around the world meeting lots of new people along the way.
My friend who is a senior salesman has been to over 30 countries in the last 5 years. He says he never gets bored and that everyday is different. He enjoys staying with fancy hotels and eating many different cuisine.
Colleague 同事
Example:Model agent 模特经纪人
I think working for a model agency 模特经纪公司 would be interesting, because you would be surrounded by beautiful and handsome models all day long. I also think it would be fascinating to be around fashion.
You could learn so much about style just by watching what the models are wearing. It would probably motivate you to keep in shape too, because you would be around stunning people with amazing figures and that would just push you to work out more.
How you know about it
参考于上一个话题《不想从事的工作》, 这道题的思考模式和之前的没有太多出入,唯一的差异在于这个小问最后需要呈现出来积极的态度。
Example one:Teacher 老师
Well, my grandpa was a math teacher and he taught in schools all his life. When I was young, he always told me how he liked his job, as it gave him a great sense of achievement. I would always ask him lots of questions about how to be a good teacher.
Example two:Accountant 会计
I didn’t know about it until my older cousin became an accountant when I was in middle school. She came to me excitedly and told me lots of details about her job. Whenever we hung out, she would always tell me stories. Now I am also learning accounting at my university.
Example three:Investor 投资人
I didn’t know about it until my friend highly recommended the profession to me when I was a freshman. She told me the job was very promising and how she found it interesting meeting people from all walks of life. It really triggered my curiosity and now I am looking into becoming an investor.
Example four:Streamer 主播
The first time I heard about it was about 3 years ago. At the time, live streaming had gone viral overnight and becoming a streamer was the hottest job. It caught my attention and I read all about it. Now I am trying to become a streamer.
What people do in the job
Example one:Model agent 模特经纪人
A model agent has many tasks to do. The most challenging part of the job is finding potential customers and models. It is a very competitive industry, so they have to work hard to establish relationships with fashion companies, advertisement agencies and so on. They also need to assist models at photoshoots or casting calls 试镜 or for runway shows 走秀.
Example two:PR officer 公关
PR officer play an important role in building and maintaining a positive public image. In order to be recognized and known by more people, they need to have and keep a good relationship with journalists. PR officer also need to deal with any negative press about a company and eradicate it as soon as possible.
Example one:Investor 投资人
At first, I thought being an investor would be easy as you just have to invest money into suitable companies. However, after looking into it, I realized that there are so many things you need to know and that actually the job requires a lot of different skills.
You need to do lots of research into various kinds of markets and investments. You also need to work closely with each company offering them support and guidance.
Example two:Teacher 老师
Becoming a teacher is much more challenging than before. In the past, the main duty of a teacher was to teach students how to understand and solve problems.
Nowadays, the most important thing for a teacher to do is to focus on the whole development of a student. Teaching them to simply pass the exam is not enough, They should guide and mentor students and prepare them for life.
What it is
Salary 工资
Example one:
I would like to be an investor, one of the most interesting jobs that I know about so far. It is regarded as a decent job with a high salary. I think investors enjoy a high quality of life.
Example two:
I think a PR specialist would be an interesting job. It doesn’t really pay much when you start out, but if you put the work in, you can climb the ladder quickly and then earn lots of money.
Qualification 资历
Example one:
I would like to be a streamer 主播 in the future, as I think it looks very easy and interesting. You don’t need to have a high school degree or any specific qualifications. You just need to be confident in front the camera and make entertaining shows.
Example two:
I would like to be a product manager. It is one of the most interesting jobs that I know, but being a product manager is not that easy. You have to have specific training and a lot of work experience.
Number of Jobs 岗位数量
Example one:
I would like to be an accountant. Even though some people see it as a boring job, I think it is quite interesting. For me, being an accountant would be easy and it is not that competitive like other jobs.
Almost all the companies in the world need accountants, so I would never have to worry about finding a job.
Example two:
I would like to be a head hunter. It is a very interesting job but it’s also very competitive. It is very hard to find a position, so you really need to be outstanding to get a job.
What it is
If it is possible, I would like to be a product manager 产品经理, as I think it would be a very interesting job. With the development of the Internet, it has become very popular and in-demand 非常需要的.
Almost all the internet companies need product managers. However, not everyone is qualified to do the job. You need to have specific qualifications and work experience.
How you know about it
The first time I heard about the job was when my friend introduced it to me. At the time, he was training to be a product manager.
I had never heard about it before but when he explained to me what is involved I was quite surprised. It is actually a really creative job, so I decided to search for more information about it online.
What do people do in the job
My understanding is that product managers play a vital role in any project. They have the creative vision to get the product off the ground. They know clearly how the project will work and all the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the goal.
They also have to have excellent communication skills as they have to collaborate with many different departments within the company to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Why you think it is perfect
I think being a product manager would be a perfect job, as it allows you to turn your ideas into reality.
For example, my friend is a product manager working for a big international company. He had an idea to get everybody moving and change their sedentary lifestyle. He created “WeRun”, an add-on program for WeChat.
It was a huge hit and changed many people’s lives. Nowadays people use it all over the country to monitor how many steps they take everyday. Can you imagine everyone in the country using an app you have designed?
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