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Part 3 话题探讨
理智型(rational)的人,善于思考、喜欢观察、调查、分析、评估及解决问题(be good at thinking, like to observe, investigate, analyze, evaluate and solve problems)。逻辑思维发达,有较成熟的观点,一切以事实为依据,一经做出决定,能够持之以恒。生活工作有规律(regular life and work),爱整洁(clean and tidy),时间观念强(strong sense of time)。重视调查研究和精确性(pay attention to investigation and accuracy)。但这类人有时比较教条、僵化,纠缠细节,缺乏灵活性。
理智型人适合的职业:工程师(engineers)、教师(teachers)、财务人员(financial person)和数据处理人员(data processing person)等。
情绪型(emotional)的人,这类人感情丰富,往往不善于思考,爱感情用事,其言行举止易受情绪左右(not good at thinking, love emotional, their words and deeds are easily affected by emotions);也叫敏感型:这类人精神饱满,好动不好静,办事情爱速战速决。但是行为常有盲目性。与人交往中,往往会拿出所有热情,但受挫时又容易消沉失望。各种职业中均有。
情绪型的人适合的职业:各类服务业人员(personnel in various service industries)、艺术创作家(artist)、设计师(designer)等。
意志型(volitional/willed)的人一般表现为行动目标明确,主动积极,沉着勇敢、认真负责,具有很好的自制力(clear action goal, initiative, calm and brave, serious and responsible, with good self-control)。
意志型的人适合的职业:成为各行各业的决策者(decision maker)、管理者(superintendent/manager)、职业经理人(professional manager)等。
Q:Why you think your job is perfect?为什么你觉得你的工作是完美的呢?
A:Compared with graphic design, I prefer interior decoration design and feel more creative. When we choose our present job, we have to learn to fall in love with it(享受其中) and enjoy the fun it brings us. Work needs to be like and in line with one's own personality(符合自己的个性). Only in this way can one show and improve one's ability(提升个人能力) and improve oneself in many ways
但是无论做什么样的选择,无论我们小时候的理想中完美的职业是什么,只要我们始终努力用心地去提升自己,做自己感兴趣的事情并持之以恒(do what you are interested in and stick to it),将理想的喜欢的兴趣爱好发展成职业(develop your ideal hobbies into a career)也并不是不可以。
【settling down in only one career is extremely beneficial to building up critical working experiences, and quickly becoming an expert in the field.】
【Life is in your own hands, as long as you do not give up, and willing to adhere to, then the perfect ideal work can be obtained.】
Q:What occupation will children want to choose nowadays?小孩子会想选择什么工作?
A:Young people prefer some interesting job, which are more creative(有创造性的), flexible(灵活的), and dynamic(动态的). Because they young souls are more creative and they can always come up with good ideas. And they dislike constant work.
Q:Will children choose the same career as their parent?小孩子会选择和父母一样的工作吗?
A:I think it depends on the attitude of parents towards their work. If parents like their work and show enthusiasm for it(对其展现热情), children are l likely to be influenced and choose the same job. On the contrary, if parents often complain(抱怨) about work, children will not choose the same job.
Q:Will you regret your choice when you are old?老了之后会后悔自己的选择吗?
A:I don’t know if I’ll regret it. After all, I’m not old enough. But I know that the choices and decisions I’m making now are most in line with the current needs(和现在的需求相符合), after repeated thinking and weighing(在反复的思考和权衡之后).
An increasing number of people are changing their careers during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development?(2018年6月30日大陆雅思大作文写作)
为了职业发展和赚更多的钱:Many young people frequently change their jobs either for advancing their career or simply for making more money. This may bring more opportunities and a higher income to them, although sometimes it prevents them from developing expertise.
有抱负并打算扩展技能:Young people who have ambitions and intend to expand skills set also switch jobs from time to time. If they have been doing clerical work for a number of years, it makes sense to look for new positions in which they can improve communication skills by marketing products to clients.
技术革命导致劳动岗位的消失,下岗工人走上与以前所做的无关的新的职业道路:The most frequently mentioned reason leading to the prevailing phenomenon of staff turnover today is the revolution of technology, It is this technology that leads to the vanishing of many labor positions. As a result, those laid-off workers, due to the shrinkage of job opportunities in their own field, have to embark on new career paths which are irrelevant to what they have done before.
通勤时间过长:Due to the inconvenient transportation and long commuting time, people feel extremely tired, so they change jobs to improve the quality of life and get more free rest time.
与公司成员产生矛盾:The contradiction with the company leaders or colleagues is difficult to resolve, which leads to the inefficiency of working with them and not working well in the company.
更换工作所在地,更好地陪伴家人:They have been separated from their parents and family for a long time, and want to accompany their relatives more. Therefore, they change their jobs and continue to work hard in the city where they live.
Somebody thinks job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others hold the opposite view: job permanent is much more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2017年1月14日大陆雅思大作文写作)
有家庭的员工一般都认为工作能提供持续性收益最重要:Workers with dependents rightly value a consistent paycheck and benefits over all other factors.
如果一个工作仅可以稳定我们的生活确保我们的衣食住行,那仅仅是谋生。如果有些东西可以促使我们有无尽的激情,一定是我们执着追求的事业。If a job can simply stabilize our lives and ensure our accommodations, it is simply a means of earning a living. By contrast, if there is anything that can stimulate our endless passion, tap our unlimited potentials and enhance our happiness index, it must the career that we have a burning desire to undertake.
很多人认为如果频繁的换工作盲目的追求不现实的梦想会陷入经济困难。还有一种说法一个稳定的工作会找到完美的伴侣,传统观点看年轻人有稳定的工作更容易赢得他们伴侣的青睐。Some people argue that it is also possible that one falls into financial difficulties if skipping between jobs too frequently or blindly pursue unrealistic dreams. Another argument hold by some people is that a stable job indicates the odds of finding ideal partner of life, seen from the traditional perspective, a young adult who enjoys stable job stands more chances of wining the heart of his or her new date.
越来越多的现代人不能再依赖,也不想依赖一个职业。与稳定的工作相比,选择我们内心渴望的职业更值得称赞。More and more modern people can no longer be dependent nor want to be dependent on a single career. In comparison with stable job, choosing the careers that our hearts desire deserves more praises.
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