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Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
How you played it
And explain how you felt about it
well, in my childhood, I absolutely loved playing with toys. I had loads of toys you can saythat l was suIrounded with them, such as dolls , toy piano, some action figures, electroniccars, Legos and so on.But my favorite toy was a toy farm which was consisted of somefarm animals,such as pigs,sheep,cows,ducks,goose,and some plastic people,basically a farmer, his wife and their children. l received it when I was about 10 years old and it was actually my birthday gift from myparents.I remembered from the moment l got it, I could not stop playing it every day. Whatl normally did was to set up a farm and build up the fences on the floor. Thenl would startto run the farm, being busy with feeding the animals, setting up competitions, like to see ifa cow could run faster than a pig. Sometimes, l would put ducks in to the pond to let themswim and take a bath. How funny that was. As to how l felt about the toy farm, I would say l absolutely loved it. It was a toy that coulddevelop my imagination, I mean all the animals and plastic people came to life in my headand l made up their conversations and how they would react when meeting each other,etc.Also, I named the animals by their features and each ofthem had different characters.For example, a baby duck was called Jacky who could swim really fast and could alwayswon the competition. In addition, Il felt the toy farm really carries my memories and it keptme company when l stayed home alone. Now l dont really play with that set of toyanymore. Instead, l put them on my bookshelf as a kind ofdecoration in my bedroom.
比如月时,9月题库中的一道新题:A sentence/ few words from a poem or song就是这种旧题重置,乍一看,竟然还要现场背诗,难度也太高了吧?但定睛一看,其实和口语经典题目Describe a song which is meaningful to you放到一块,是不是有内味了?
本季Part 1的一个新话题Taking a rest也属于这种类型,和往年题库中的Break、Spare time等话题也都有重合。在应对这类话题的时候,只需要使用已经准备好的语料内容,稍作修改即可。
但其实在备考时如果对于part 2的回答框架和思路比较熟悉的话,再结合自己储备的语料内容,查看是否有可以借用的内容,来完成答题。
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