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捷地根据自己的需求,提前预约口语考试的时间,以及收到考前最新微信推送提醒... (有兴趣的童鞋可以复制下方连接,进入雅思官网阅读全文:https://ielts.neea.cn/)
同时,根据考点回馈和烤鸭给小编的反馈, 2021年1-4月雅思口语题库更新如下:
新增PART 1 共 6道 主题如下
Farming/Bargain/Museum/Tree/Taking a rest/New activities
新增PART 2 共 19道 主题如下(红色为确定新题,绿色为疑似新题)
Describe an intelligent person you know(新题)
Describe a language you want to learn(not English)(新题)
Describe a disease you have ever had(新题)
Describe a mistake you made(新题)
Describe a tradition in your country(新题)
Describe a piece of clothes you wear on an important occasion (新题)
Describe a toy you like in your childhood(新题)
Describe an occasion you had an enjoyable dinner with your friends(新题)
Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend the truth(疑似新题)
Describe a piece of international news you recently heard(新题)
Describe a skill you can teach others(新题)
Describe a person you think who wear unusual clothes (新题)
Describe the weather you like(新题)
Describe a time when you wait a long time for people(新题)
Describe a person you want to visit but don’t want to live with(疑似新题)
Describe a live sports event(新题)
Describe an art exhibition you have been to (新题)
Describe a time that you need to use imagination(疑似新题)
Describe a time you made a promise to someone(疑似新题)
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