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近期发布 编辑:环球教育 浏览:(571次)


Sample Writing by IELTS

Dear Samantha,

1-My departure date for Sydney is drawing near, and I am now getting really busy with all the preparations. I have enrolled for a 'Speaking and Writing’course at an institution in Sydney for an intensive six-month English learning, full time. It is quite expensive, but I do hope I could improve my writing and public speaking skills through this program. (学习计划之细节)

2-In order to help pay for my study in the near future, I am now thinking about finding a part-time job there. On the one hand, the college fees are rather high. On the other hand, I guess the rental accommodation in Sydney will not be cheap, not even to mention the food and other expenses! So I really want to find some temporary employment before I arrive. (为何需要一份兼职工作)


3-I just wonder if you could ask some of your friends and colleagues to see if anyone needs me to do the house cleaning gardening, cooking, or babysitting, etc. I know you have a really wide social network in Sydney, which may help a lot. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out. Thanks again!(朋友如何帮忙)

Look forward to seeing you again.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours


(215 words)

