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雅思口语圈 1月疑似Part 2新题第一弹 《得过的一种病》内附答案

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  得过的—种病?? ? ? ?妈耶看到题目瞬间懵逼! ! ! !






  作为新年首封,我监测到了疑似的一道略显变态的part 2话题《得过的一种病》。


  当我们拿到一道新题后,请先不要思考我究竟曾经得过什么病。我们先来明确这道题的关键词,也就是“病 (illness/disease)”。


雅思口语圈 | 1月疑似Part 2新题第一弹 《得过的一种病》(内附答案)

  现在我们就可以就“病 (illness/disease)”来进行维度拆分:

  Type 类型

  我会将“illness”分为“身体疾病(physical illness)”和“心理疾病(mental disease)”两部分。

  身体疾病就是出现在人身体的各个部位,从头到脚,从皮肤到内脏均可,比如:skin disease 皮肤病/ heart disease 心脏病/ stomach illness 胃病/ migraines 偏头痛/ obesity 肥胖症等;

  心理疾病多为压力情绪引起的疾病,包括:depression 抑郁症/ bipolar disorder 情感双向障碍/ manic 狂躁症/ anxiety  焦虑症/ insomnia 失眠/ claustrophobia 幽闭症。

  Symptoms 症状


  比如:心理疾病可能引起的症状为眩晕“dizziness”/ 食欲不振“loss appetite”/ 情绪低落“in low spirits”/ 疲倦“fatigue”等;身体疾病可能引起的症状为疼痛“ache”/ 呼吸不畅“hard to breath”/ 虚弱“weak”等。

  Popularity 受欢迎程度

  “popularity”这一角度几乎存在于所有雅思part 2话题,除了部分事件类话题。针对“病症”,我们依旧可以考虑它的“流行度”。比如,冠状病毒就是一个传染度很高的疾病,但有些疾病则很罕见,只有少数人才有。为此,你可以思考一下你得的这个病是高发的还是就只有少部分人得了。

  History 历史


  Origins 来源

  有些病是专门在某些国家才有的,比如dengue 登革热就是出现在热带地区的,其他地方就很少会得。你可能患上这种病就是因为去了某一热带国家。

  Cost 费用

  有些病的治疗费用可以“cost you an arm and a leg”(很贵),有些则不需要怎么花钱或者就可以自愈。如果你有为这个病花了很多钱,你可以聊一聊它贵的原因以及这些钱你最终是怎么付的,自己付还是用医保来承担,或者家人直接帮你付了。对于读书的学生而言,有些时候不敢生病也是因为看病会花费掉部分的生活费。

  Duration 持续时间


  Treatment 治疗


  When 什么时候会得


  Who 什么人会得


  How often 得病频率


  How you know about it 你怎么知道的


  After effect 后遗症





  What kind of disease you suffered from


  How you know about it

  A few years ago I was feeling really down and nothing I did made me feel better.  I couldn't quite pinpoint 查明 what was wrong with me but on some days I could barely get out of bed 起床. My mum told me I should go and see a doctor and at first, I was hesitant but figured it couldn't hurt.

We went together and the doctor was very kind and after asking many questions, she explained I was suffering from depression. I was quite shocked at first but she explained many people suffer from it and it can be managed with a balance of exercise and medication.

  Symptoms 症状

  Well, a few months ago,  I was feeling a bit under the weather 身体不舒服, I had a fever but just put it down to 归因于 the season change. But I got worse as the days went on.  I had the shivers 寒颤 and sweats and had zero energy.  I went to the doctor and he told me I had caught the flu.  He gave me some medication and told me I had to stay in bed.

  Cost 花费

  Once I had a form of skin disease. At first, I thought it would heal naturally, but it got worse and my whole body was itchy 痒的 and painful. I reluctantly 不情愿地 went to the hospital. Even though I was only there for about 30 mins, it cost me an arm and a leg 很贵. As I didn’t have any health insurance, I had to pay the bill by myself.


  When you had the disease



  Example :

I remember it was on a cold Friday night when I suddenly had a pain in my stomach.  At first, I thought it was because I had eaten too much or I had eaten something that didn't agree with my stomach so I just turned off my phone and tried to sleep, hoping I would wake up feeling better.

  However, I woke up in the middle of the night with cold sweats 冷汗 and the pain was unbearable so I woke my mum and she quickly rushed me to the hospital.


  Example :

I suffered from depression when I was in high school. Everything was going well until I took my first midterm exam. I didn't do very well and my parents were very disappointed. Following that they put even more pressure on me to do well and to be honest, it was too much.

I felt myself becoming more and more depressed and I didn't know what to do. Finally, I spoke to my parents and I think they saw that I needed some professional help.  They took me to a doctor who helped a lot.

  He also talked to my parents about how too much pressure can trigger 引起 depression so they took it on board 采取建议 and didn't harass 困扰 me so much about my studies.  A few months later I was feeling much better and I was getting good grades again.


  How you felt about it



  Example :

  Even though I was cured, I still felt a bit down, because during that period, I was bullied 欺凌 by other classmates just because I got the virus. They gave me so many ugly nicknames and my friends’ parents even asked them leave far away from me. I was isolated and also depressed. Now I am always alone. I don’t like to talk to others and also refuse to make new friends.


  Example : Even though the illness made me feel absolutely terrible, I was overwhelmed by the support my family and friends showed me.  Every day lots of people dropped by with delicious food and beautiful flowers. My best friends even came to the hospital to help me keep up to date with all the new course work and to help me revise. Thanks to them, I made a speedy recovery and when I went back to school, I managed to pass my exam with flying colors 高分. Thanks to the illness, I realized how important family and friends are.

  Example :

  The illness really taught me a lesson on the importance of looking after yourself. In the past, I seldom paid attention to my health, as I thought I was young and I was as fit as a fiddle 健康. But now I know I have to take care of myself more. Now every day I go to bed early and get up at 6 am. Then I do exercise for an hour. I quit eating junk food. Instead, I cook for myself every day. With a lot of effort, I am much healthier than before.



  What kind of disease you suffered from

Depression is very common not only among adults but also among teenagers and something I suffered from a while back. I didn't actually know what depression was until the doctor told me. I was shocked and also felt very anxious. Then I started receving treatment and realized I could manage it carefully with exercise and medication.

   When you had the disease

It started when I was in high school. Everything was going well until I took my first midterm exam. I didn't do very well and my parents were very disappointed. Following that they put even more pressure on me to do well and to be honest, it was too much.  I felt myself becoming more and more depressed and I didn't know what to do. Finally, I spoke to my parents and I think they saw that I needed some professional help.  They took me to a doctor who helped a lot.

  He also talked to my parents about how too much pressure can trigger 引起 depression so they took it on board 采取建议 and didn't harass 困扰 me so much about my studies.  A few months later I was feeling much better.

   How you felt about it

  It was a really bad time in my life. Because of depression, I got behind at school but and for me, it was my friends. They were amazing. They rallied around 团结在周围 and made me feel so much better and tried to help me keep up to date with all my school work. I am not sure i could have done it without them.
