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大家寒假还开心不?道个歉,最近拖更真不是有意的,是因为课太多了。作为培训机构的老师,你们的假日就是我们最忙的工作日,所以真的很sorry,但真的没有忘记你们。Part 2的完整答案很快也会安排上了,就剩几道题目了。最近几天每晚都在跟考官校对内容和表达,希望呈现给大家最高质量同时又是免费的答案呀。
Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth
You should say:
Who your friend is
What the truth was
What your friend’s reaction was
And explain why you think it was important to tell your friend the truth
这道题之所以被称为难题就在于“Truth”这个单词,很多同学直接将其翻译为“实话”,接着又把内容定义为“之前可能有欺骗的成分”在里面。但事实却是,“truth”也可以解释为“the true facts about sth, rather than the things that have been invented or guessed”(真相/事实)。这也就意味着“我没有必要一定要讲一个朋友被绿的故事”,我可以告诉她的事实是“跑步会让小腿变粗”。
按此类话题的思考逻辑来看,我们在思考“Truth”的时候需要先自定义区间范围,也就是雅思口语的四大话题类别:People/ place/ object/ activity,接着我们就可以从这四块着手对其分别进行拆分。
在之前的推送中,我有拆分过“people”的维度,它包括:Hobby/ occupation/ personality/ appearance/ how you know (about)/ age/ life experience/ relationship/ where from (home address/ nationality/ hometown)/ education background/ family background/ social status/ marital status/ social network/ zodiac sign/ wealth/ sexuality/ habit/ language/ health/ popularity/ achievement/ name/ gender/ outlook etc.
这个“truth”可能和“habit”有关系,因为一个人的习惯又可以分为“Diet/ Sleep/ Sports etc.”,所以我最终可以告知的事实,比如:
- “催吐会得厌食症”
- “代餐并不一定能减肥”
- “喝奶茶容易得糖尿病”
- “熬夜会变胖”
- “晚上运动不是最好的选择”
- “瘦脸针的危害”
- “经常染头发容易脱发”
这个“truth”可能和“health”有关系,因为一个人的健康又可以分为“physical health & mental health”,所以我最终可以告知的事实,比如:
- “抑郁症是需要吃药才能控制的”
- “板蓝根并不能抑制新冠病毒”
- “大城市并非真的适合所有人”
- “出国留学容易得抑郁症”
- “大公司不是想象中的圣地,小公司或者更能锻炼人的能力”
- “Gap year会让人失去斗志”
Who your friend is
说实话,事件类话题的小问一般开始于“when” & “where”之类的问题,像这篇直截了当的出来“who”也是一件很尴尬的事情。一般而言,面对此种情况,我会自行加上有关时间地点的信息,然后再带出第一问需要的内容。
对于“when”部分的拓展,我们可以直接按具体时间点的拓展格式进行“Year-month-date-hour”, 再给出和“date”相关的信息时,我们可以用“天气信息/星期几/早中晚”来取代具体的日子,“hour”部分则可以用“before/after/while”来指代具体的时刻。
比如:It took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having just woken up from a cat nap....
比如:It took place about a month ago. I was hanging out with my friend, Anna and we went to a newly-opened Starbucks to have a cup of coffee. It was popular, so when we arrived, there were no seats for us. We just bought a coffee and then went to a park nearby to have a chat.
Example one:
Actually it took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having just woken up from a cat nap, my friend, Lisa called me and asked me to go to the hairdresser 理发师 with her, as she had decided to dye her hair again.
Lisa is a very fashionable young girl. She likes to follow the latest fashion trends. When there is a new color out, she likes to try it immediately on her hair.
Example two:
Well, it took place a couple of days ago. I was hanging out with my friend, Anna. She is a bubble tea 奶茶 lover and she is really addicted to it, she drinks at least 3 bottles of it every day. That day, we went to a newly-opened bubble tea store together. As it was popular, there was a long line and we had to wait.
What the truth was
Example one:
On the way to the hairdresser, I asked her if she knew about all the side effects 副作用 of dying her hair frequently. I told her that I had read an article which said that some people lose their hair as a result of too much bleach 漂发 and it doesn't grow back.
Example two:
When we were waiting in the queue, I told her that she should reduce the amount of bubble tea she drinks. Even though it is tasty, it isn't really good for your health. I had just watched a video about a young girl our age who now suffers from diabetes 糖尿病 after drinking too much bubble tea.
What your friend’s reaction was
Example :
My friend was a bit shocked and looked worried. She said that she drinks more bubble tea than that girl and she was afraid that she would suffer from diabetes as well. She decided on the spot 立刻/当场 to quit drinking bubble tea.
Example :
Well, my friend didn't seem too worried about it and it certainly didn't stop her from dying her hair again. She said that as long as she uses a good quality hair dye she would be ok.
Example :
Actually when my friend heard the truth, she didn’t think it was a big deal and carried on drinking her bubble tea. But when I showed her the video, she started to panic and thought she should stop drinking it, as she didn't want to experience the same thing the girl had.
Why it was important to tell the truth
Example one:
I knew my friend wouldn't listen to me but I knew I had to tell her just in case she hadn't read anything about it. She loves to look good but i told her it wasn't worth losing her hair over. There are other things she could do to her hair to make herself look and feel good.
Example two: Even though it was a bit hard to tell my friend the truth, it was still very important for me to tell her, as I was concerned about her health. She drank bubble tea like water. I knew If she kept up this habit, she would definitely have some problems like that girl. I didn’t want to see anything happen to my friend.
Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth
Who your friend is
Actually it took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having just woken up from a cat nap, my friend, Lisa called me and asked me to go to the hairdresser 理发师 with her, as she had decided to dye her hair again.
Lisa is a very fashionable young girl. She likes to follow the latest fashion trends. When there is a new color out, she likes to try it immediately on her hair.
What the truth was
On the way to the hairdresser, I asked her if she knew about all the side effects 副作用 of dying her hair frequently. I told her that I had read an article which said that some people lose their hair as a result of too much bleach and it doesn't grow back.
What your friend’s reaction was
Well, my friend didn't seem too worried about it and it certainly didn't stop her from dying her hair again. She said that as long as she uses a good quality hair dye she would be ok.
And explain why you think it was important to tell your friend the truth
I knew my friend wouldn't listen to me but I knew I had to tell her just in case she hadn't read anything about it. She loves to look good but i told her it wasn't worth losing her hair over. There are other things she could do to her hair to make herself look and feel good.
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