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Describe a person who wears unusual clothes
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What his/her clothes are like
And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual
第一问“Who this person is” 穿不寻常衣服的人是谁?
第二问“How you knew this person” 你怎么认识的这个人?
第三问“What his/her clothes are like”他的穿着是什么样的?
第四问“And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual” 为什么你觉得他的穿着是不寻常的?
答案示例+音频 I know someone who wears unusual clothes a lot. I knew him through a TV show that people are debating in a strange way like they're not doing the classical debating they are in a new style debate competition. The person who wears unusual clothes is called Eden, who is a clothes designer. He always wears the clothes he designed for himself to the TV show, and most of them are colourful dresses, and he likes to use muslin on the outer side of the clothes, which always make him look fluffy. His clothes are full of his individual style, and the reason I think his clothes are unusual because it is way too colourful for most people who are wearing nowadays. I'm not saying the clothes are not good-looking or anything. I give Eden full respect since he shows the real himself to anyone else, ignoring any negative comments. The other thing that I think his clothes are different from others is that most people have willing to show their strength when choosing clothes. While he prefers to dress up as what he wants, he considered the cloth's appearance more than what he will be looking like after dressing up.
I really respect him since he is doing what he wants to do, instead of being in the trend like anyone else in this society. I hope more and more people can dress differently in the community, making the world more diverse, which in this case, decreases discrimination as well.
fluffy 绒毛般的,松软的;
individual style 个人风格
dress up 装扮,打扮
diverse 不同的,相异的
discrimination 歧视
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